13 February 2009

Here's to crazy girls with bowl cuts and amazing dress sense

I heard today that the Yeah yeah yeahs are releasing a new album! Excitment! I was on their website and found a link to the American costume designer christian joy, who's designed lots of stage outfits for Karen O. He's currently holding an exhibition at the AVA in New York.
Loaaads of wonderfulness surrounding Joy, her new collection is based on stories about "aliens coming down to earth and their subsequent lives." I really like the layers and the structure and the whole general wow factor of the stage outfits- and her new collection which seems to be kind of cowgirl space age <333, I am a total sucker for stage outfits though.. the whole Elton John/ ziggystardustisgod/ punk/ bondage thing...all good times.

Images from yeahyeahyeahswebsite, CJLJ and her flickr

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